Tuesday 6 November 2012

3rd research

This controversial ad from Sony promoting the new white PSP was done by an advertising agency called TBWA where the agency are specialize in "disruptive" marketing. A quote taken from the company's website

TBWA 2012 (online)"Disruption is the art of asking better questions, challenging conventional wisdom and overturning assumptions and prejudices that get in the way of imagining new possibilities and visionary ideas."

It's subjective however society this days are conservative towards racial discrimination as it's a sensitive subject to be used as promotional purpose.It's irrelevant to promote a gaming product using interracial models posing in a rough manner as it gives people the thought of violence between the two different race.

This ad were release in the Europe. Although is not as controversial as the ones done by United Benetton of Colors called the 'United Colours' campaign this ad is still seen as one of the controversial ad involving racial discrimination.

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/gamesblog/2006/jul/05/sonyadcasues
(Veronica Tey)

- This is a Playstation Portable White ads
- This ads is trying to show that a new PSP white is coming out

- In this ads, the white girl represent the new PSP white who trying to bring down the old PSP black

Why do this ads need changes?
- This ads seriously need to undergo many changes because it's NOT a suitable ads to promote a product which is PSP white
- Discrimination is clearly shown in this ads
- Those 'black' people will definitely feels insulted when they look at this ads
- They shouldn't used living things to represent their product
- If they want to use living things as the main object of their ads, they shouldn't discriminate others 

Ideas to make it a better ads
- Instead of using a human/living things, we can use objects to represent and convey the message
- Maybe a PSP white on a black background?
(Melissa Teh)

Example of PSP ads

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