Tuesday 30 October 2012


For this subject which is Culture & Consumerism, we are required to do a group project. Our group members are Melissa Teh, Michelle Yu, Chee Kar Man and Veronica Tey. We are asked to work on a bad ads. These are some example of bad ads that we found.

Playstation Portable white ads

- This ads is a bad ads because there is a discrimination between the skin colour of the models in the   
- This may caused some conflict between the type of consumers
( Michelle Yu )
7up ads
- This is a 7up ads in the late 90s
- This ads created a bad impression to the consumer even just from the first look
- A baby doesn't suit to be the main consumer for this product
( Chee Kar Man )

Burger King ads
- This is a failed ads produced by burger king to promote their BK Super Seven Incher
- The expression of the model doesn't suit the product
- The tagline is also hard to understand
( Melissa Teh )

jobsintown ads

- A really bad ad with bad image which depicts humans entering someone's butt hole
- The tagline "There are better ways to make career" doesn't relate to the image shown in the ad
-It's a huge misconception to the public when a butt hole image is used as a job fair advertisement.
(Veronica Tey)

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